Tamara Eteimo, the winner of the 2011 Next Movie Star reality television show, has been cast as the lead character in Dormitory 8 (D8), a situation comedy series revolving around the day to day existence of eight undergraduates of fictional ECOWAS University. In the new season of the soap, the Theatre Arts graduate of the University of Port Harcourt plays the role of Ibinabo, a cunning, spiteful, egoistic, pretentious and avaricious student who relies on men for her needs.
Shot on locations in Ogun State, some of the finalists in the recently concluded 2011 Next Movie Star like Tomiwa Kukoyi, Aisha Alli-Balogun, Vivian Egbon, who incidentally were first, second and third runners up respectively; and a host of others feature prominently in the soap which will start airing in April. D8, which now in its fourth season, is directed by cinematographer and voice over specialist, Dotun Taylor.
Sola Fajobi, the executive producer, says, “Dormitory 8 is a family drama series; it’s funny and exciting and each episode touches on the lifestyle of students and still teaches didactic life lessons. It is an experiential showcase of the wits, twists and happenings around the campus while communicating how students live together in one common hostel despite coming from different backgrounds.”
Speaking on her role, Tamara said: “Acting a bitchy, thieving girl was really very tough because those were qualities I do not possess ordinarily. I grew up with very strict, religious parents. However, I had to shed my natural toga of a good girl to adorn the garb the producers wanted me to adorn. It was tough but I’m sure I gave it my best shot considering the accolades the director heaped on me.”
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